30% of adults have chronic anxiety...

and many more experience it situationally.

It may surprise you to know, but we're supposed to have anxiety. When humans first existed, we needed anxiety to help us stay alert to threats so we could remain alive (think caveman days not wanting to get eaten by a lion). The only issue is that now, our nervous systems can mistake what is a life-or-death threat, and they can become overreactive. This mini-course is your key to using the Enneagram to understand how and why your anxiety exists, common triggers for your type, and how to develop a healthy and helpful relationship with anxiety!

This mini-course is perfect for you if...

  • You Struggle With Anxiety

    Whether you experience anxiety occasionally, often, or even daily, this course will give you massive insight into understanding what tends to drive your type into anxiety and how to respond to yourself with compassion and support. Anxiety is normal, but feeling lost, overwhelmed, or like it controls you doesn't have to be.

  • Are a Mental Health Professional

    Anxiety continue to be one of the highest rated reasons clients seek mental health therapy. The Enneagram can help you + your client fill in major gaps in understanding recurring patterns of anxiety and self-sabotage. Not only will this mini-course deepen your work as it gets to the roots and triggers vs. solely symptom-management, but it also provides more personalized ideas of how to respond and regulate in productive ways.

  • You're A Coach

    Anxiety is a human experience, and not everyone has a diagnosis or debilitating anxiety, so you will experience anxiousness with your clients if you haven't already. Being informed as a coach to help your clients understand the WHY behind their anxiety will massively build self-awareness, and it provides a path of how to move forward rather than being stuck in old, non-productive patterns.

A practical workshop + guide to understanding and managing your anxiety.

Prepare to learn:

  • The purpose of anxiety and why it's actually super important that it exists

  • The core fears + desires of each Enneagram and how knowing these can help you understand the roots of your anxiety

  • The most common triggers and sources of your anxiety based on your type

  • How to identify practical coping skills to truly support you and reduce overwhelm as you navigate anxiety, based on your Enneagram type

  • Plan to walk away with a personalized and tangible self-support plan as you move forward navigating anxiety in your life

Course curriculum

    1. Meet Your Professor

    1. Deep Dive: How Anxiety Presents For Each Type

    2. Building A Self-Support Plan (grounded in Enneagram Centers of Intelligence)

    1. Cognitive Distortions

    2. Text Lines, Call Lines, and Digital Resources for Support

    1. Heart Center: Enneagram Heart Awakener

    2. Body Center: Progressive Muscle Relaxation to Release Tension

    3. Head Center: Gratitude Practice to Balance Fear + Anxiety

    4. Guided Tea Meditation to Get Centered

About this course

  • $149.00
  • 9 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content


EU Guest Professor Kelsi Grove, MA, LCPC

Kelsi is an Enneagram 9 and Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor. Clinically, Kelsi has assisted in developing and facilitating an adolescent anxiety intensive outpatient programs, facilitating intake assessments for IOPs, and has experience working with all types of anxiety (social, generalized, phobias, etc.). Over the past 4+ years in practice, she began integrating the Enneagram into therapeutic practice. She is skilled at using the Enneagram to increase awareness of the "why" behind client's anxiety, which provides insight into relational patterns and provides a clearer path to more authentic and safe relationships, both with self and others. Helping clients create harmony within self and relationships makes her type 9 heart feel the most full.